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Cosmetology as an Art
About me and my work
Cosmetology as an Art

About me and my work

About me

I am working on the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, therapy for age-related facial changes, and the creation of intellectual and image cosmetology programs. I practice an integrated medicine approach, specializing in intellectual and image cosmetology. This innovative direction combines facial medicine—restoring the health of all systems present on the face—with facial image, which involves working with manners, facial expressions, and considering the psychological and anatomical characteristics of an individual, as well as their profession, status, and goals.

I am the author of more than 20 publications in scientific journals, a participant and speaker at international medical congresses, and the winner of the All-Russian beauty contest among medical workers, "Miss Medline 2017". Additionally, I am the organizer of the online marathon "Do-It-Yourself Beauty". I utilize the most advanced and safe techniques to create harmonious results, enhance beauty, and maintain the health of my patients.


  • 2021
    Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
    Degree: Cosmetologist

  • 2020
    Dermatology "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health"
  • 2019
    Pediatric dermatology "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health"

    Training center LLC "ProfStandardQuality", Kazan
    Degree: Cosmetologist

  • 2018
    Dermatoscopy "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health"
  • 2017
    Tauride Academy named after V.I. Vernadsky, Simferopol
    Degree: Psychologist, master's degree
  • 2023
    2023-present - cosmetologist, head of therapeutic cosmetology at Grace Medical, Moscow
    2023-present - doctor-expert “Constellation of Beauty”, Moscow
    2023-present - certified trainer “Viva Pharma Group”, Moscow
    2023 - 2024 - cosmetologist “In Spa Beauty”, Tver
  • 2022
    2022-2023 - chief physician of the branch of the Face Clinic, Moscow
    2022 - head of the medical direction of Mederi “Galen Group”,
  • 2021
    2021-2023 - doctor therapist “Young&Active”, Moscow
  • 2019
    2019-2021 - cosmetologist at LIA Clinic, Simferopol
  • 2017
    2017-2020 - teacher (nursing, therapy) at State Federal Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Crimean Medical College, Simferopol
  • 2016
    2016 - junior researcher at the State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking "Magarach", Yalta
  • 2014
    2014 - nurse of the intensive care unit, Republican Emergency Hospital No. 6, Simferopol

about my work
My approach is integrative cosmetology and FACE DESIGN
At the first consultation, an individual cosmetology program is always developed, based on the principles of image cosmetology. This innovative approach includes facial medicine—restoring the health of all systems present on the face—and facial image, which involves working with manners, facial expressions, and taking into account the psychological and anatomical characteristics of an individual, as well as their profession, status, and goals.
*All photos are posted with clients permission


A beautiful face opens up new opportunities for its owner to achieve their maximum goals in career, personal life, and communication. Facial features and their harmony form the aesthetics of the face, while facial expressions reveal insights into a person's worldview and character.

The more vitality that is reflected in a person's appearance, the more beautiful they appear in the eyes of most.

  1. Goals

1. Prevention of facial aging from the perspective of reducing the influence of its functions on appearance

2. Creating a complete image - a facial image, taking into account a harmonious combination of facial features, expression and mannerisms

3. Improving facial physiognomy for better perception of a person in society

2. Methods
To achieve the effect, it is necessary to combine different methods.

  • injection cosmetology (botulinotherapy, thread implantation, contour plastic, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, collagen stimulation, plasma therapy, etc.)
  • hardware technologies (laser treatment, radiofrequency lifting, cryolipolysis, ultrasound lipolysis, etc.)
  • genetic counseling
  • therapeutic care complex programs
  • rehabilitation after plastic surgery
  • dermatoscopy
before after Video
Photo from camera
Photo from smartphone
You can claim as much as you like that beauty and intelligence are gifts from nature. But it's widely acknowledged that natural, youthful beauty fades quite quickly. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who were beautiful in their youth but have become dull and haggard over the years. However, you probably also recall examples of women who, with age, began to look even more beautiful, attractive, and interesting. Such profound beauty is often the result of a strong and mature personality dedicated to self-improvement.

My clients are exactly like that! They are strong, modern women and men who are on a journey of self-realization to maximize their potential, integrating development in all aspects of their lives. They include businesswomen, top managers, mothers, and experts across various industries. What we all share is a relentless drive to move forward and upward!
What is beauty? What is she like?

Everyone has their own ideas.
Therefore, cosmetology is an art.
And here I act as a sculptor who, millimeter by millimeter, creates your very face. Not alien, not fashionable with big lips, but harmonious, natural, real. I reveal and highlight your natural beauty.
How? Based on the approaches of integrative cosmetology and Face Design, which combine knowledge of medicine, fine arts, philosophy, psychology, makeup art, style and image.
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